Ira Singh
Khabar Khabaron ki,29 Feb’24

In a recent report, India’s economic trajectory under Prime Minister Narendra Modi has been hailed as a “real alternative” to China, marking a significant shift in global economic dynamics. With India’s benchmark indices reaching record highs, a surge in foreign direct investment (FDI), and substantial investments in infrastructure projects, experts are increasingly viewing New Delhi as a genuine alternative to Beijing.This seismic shift in perception reflects India’s emergence as a formidable player on the world stage, offering investors and businesses a compelling option beyond the traditional Chinese market.

The report further highlighted that market watchers are quite keen on PM Modi’s return to power for a third straight term in the upcoming Lok Sabha polls which will bring greater predictability to economic policies.

Financial professionals around the world are noticing India’s development since 2014 under two-term Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who has said he wants the South Asian nation to become a $5 trillion economy by 2025.

The world’s fastest growing major economy is also trying to capitalize on the rethink underway among companies on supply chains. Global businesses want to diversify operations away from China, where they faced obstacles during the pandemic and are exposed to risks arising from tension between Beijing and Washington.

Moreover,Apart from geopolitical rifts and an uncertain economic outlook, foreign companies and investors have grown increasingly wary of domestic political risks in China, including the possibility of raids and detentions. Institutional investors are still very wary about buying Chinese stocks, even though many now look like a bargain.

The optimism around the world’s most populous nation is in stark contrast to the mood found in China, which is grappling with a myriad of economic challenges, including an accelerated flight of capital from the country,and this marks a significant turning point, with India’s economic policies and initiatives gaining traction among investors and businesses worldwide.

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