In an Evolving World Order, What Are India’s Chances?

Ira Singh
21 July’23

Amidst the backdrop of a rapidly transitioning world order, India finds itself at a critical juncture, poised to seize opportunities and face significant challenges. The shifting dynamics in global politics, economics, and technology are reshaping the traditional power structures, and India’s potential to emerge as a prominent player is a subject of intense speculation.

With the Russian invasion of Ukraine last year, the world already witnessed how fault lines that existed for a long time between different power blocs bore prominence and continued to shape and reshape. Vladimir Putin, the Russian President, wary of the ever-spreading NATO, announced the ‘liberation’ of Donetsk and Luhansk, two regions in Ukraine bordering Russia, according to information.

Further, NATO’s hug to Finland as well as the recent adventurism by the Wagner Group amidst an all-out war, manifested in the coup attempt have only exacerbated Putin’s invincibility in Russia. However, the Wagner crisis seems to be averted for now but whether it will last long or not is yet to be answered.

Albeit the cold shoulder to Volodymyr Zelenskyy in the Lithuanian capital, Vilnius, at the recent 2-day NATO summit, the regular and covert support to Ukraine coming straight from the US and its allies has kept Russians dwindling for a final solution in Ukraine.

In the meantime, the biggest likely gainers are China and, to some extent, India. The pertinent query is whether India decides to yield the space open for China to manoeuvre things or compete with China to consolidate its own position in evolving international affairs, believe experts.In order to play the protagonist in the big game of geopolitics, India will have to start from its backyard itself and ameliorate its efforts to become a more reliable partner for its neighbours by sending friendly signals and undoing strained ties say expert thinkers.

In a world undergoing significant shifts in power and influence, India’s chances to position itself as a formidable player are contingent on how it navigates the ever- changing landscape. Its economic resilience, geopolitical maneuvering, diplomatic endeavors, and technological advancements offer promising prospects. However, addressing internal challenges and effectively managing external relationships will be crucial to realizing India’s potential in the evolving global order. As the nation continues to carve its path, the world watches with anticipation to see how India’s narrative unfolds in this transformative era.

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