Surat Diamond Bourse Becomes World’s Largest Office Building, Surpassing US Pentagon

Ira Singh
29 July’23

In a remarkable feat of architectural excellence and engineering prowess, the Surat Diamond Bourse, located in Surat, India, has claimed the prestigious title of the world’s largest office building, surpassing the renowned Pentagon in the United States. This groundbreaking achievement has sent waves of awe and admiration throughout the global community and stands as a testament to India’s commitment to infrastructural advancement.

The Belgian city of Antwerp may be known as the world’s diamond trading hub, while most rough stones are mined in Russia or Africa. But some 150 miles north of Mumbai, India, lies a lesser-known gem capital: Surat, where around 90% of all the planet’s diamonds are cut.Now, the city in Gujarat state has a record- breaking building to house its mammoth industry.

The newly-opened Surat Diamond Bourse is billed as a “one-stop destination” for over 65,000 diamond professionals, including cutters, polishers and traders. Featuring a succession of nine rectangular structures spilling out from — and interconnected via — a central “spine,” the sprawling 15-story complex has been built across more than 35 acres of land, according to sources.

The trading center’s architects say it comprises over 7.1 million square feet of floor space, which would mean it has surpassed the Pentagon as the world’s largest office building.

The project is set to welcome its first occupants in November after four years of construction work, two of which were hampered by Covid-related delays. It is expected to be officially opened later this year by Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who was born in Gujarat and previously served as the state’s chief minister.

According to the project’s CEO, Mahesh Gadhavi, Surat Diamond Bourse will save thousands of people from traveling sometimes daily to Mumbai by train to do business.

The building was masterminded by Indian architecture firm Morphogenesis following an international design competition. Surpassing the Pentagon was not part of the competition brief, Gadhavi told in an interview with media personnel. Rather, the project’s size was dictated by demand, he said, adding that the offices were all purchased by diamond companies prior to construction.

Morphogenesis said its layout creates a “level playing field” for businesses both small and large. With offices connected by a long central corridor — a configuration reminiscent of an airport terminal — occupants have similarly convenient access to amenities and facilities, according to the architecture firm’s co-founder, Sonali Rastogi, who described the design as “democratic.

The design was also informed by Morphogenesis’ research into how the Indian diamond trade operates. Rastogi drew attention to the series of nine 1.5-acre courtyards, complete with seating and water features, that can serve as casual meeting places for traders. Comparing the landscaped areas to “a traditional bazaar,” Rastogi said the firm was influenced by the fact that many informal transactions take place outside the office environment.

”While the architect admitted that Surat does not possess a “very remarkable architectural language of its own,” she expressed hope that sustainable design will shape the future development of a city where summer temperatures can exceed 110 degrees Fahrenheit.

The ambitious plan, which has been publicly lauded by Prime Minister Modi, aims to build a “smart” city across almost 700 hectares (1,730 acres) of south Surat. Gadhavi said the new diamond hub would serve as an “anchor tenant” for the area. Rastogi meanwhile reported that her firm is in talks with potential clients about other projects in the area, including a convention center.

As the world marvels at this new architectural wonder, it serves as a beacon of inspiration for future endeavors in urban development and infrastructure worldwide.

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