India Assumes SCO Presidency: Shaping Geopolitical Dynamics for Regional Stability

Ira Singh
2 July’23

In a significant development for regional diplomacy, India has assumed the presidency of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), marking a crucial phase in its engagement with the Eurasian region. As the world’s largest regional organization in terms of geographical coverage and population, the SCO plays a pivotal role in shaping geopolitical dynamics and promoting regional stability. With India at the helm, the organization faces a host of pressing challenges that require deft navigation to ensure continued progress and cooperation.

It was announced early this week that the 22nd Summit of the SCO (Shanghai Cooperation Summit) Council of heads of State will be held in virtual mode,on July 4. Putin, Xi and Sharif will be attending the summit, to be chaired by Prime Minister Narendra Modi. India has already invited other leaders of all the SCO States – Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan to attend the summit. Being the Chair, India has already hosted a series of more than 134 meetings, including 14 ministerial-level meetings setting the stage for the heads of state summit to take place, according to sources.

This current summit has a crucial timing, with respect to global security challenges like the Russia-Ukraine war, larger obstacles on energy security and the latest mutiny against Moscow by the Wagner Private Military Company. Russia, being an aggressor in the Eurasian conflict has faced restrictions on its invitation status in many multilateral forums, right after the International Criminal Court issued a warrant against Putin alleged of committing war crimes, according to recent reports.

Keeping in view the joint chairmanship of India in two major multilateral forums – G20 and SCO this year, the opportune moment for India to use its diplomatic capital to ensure peace and stability in the region cannot be ignored, vis-a-vis China and Russia’s membership in both these forums.

India’s entry within the fold remains largely strategic, considering the fluctuating relationship it had with Washington in the early 2000s. This was also the time when regional alternatives like BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa) were conceptualised, as a significant political balance between Russia and China, for India’s regional stability. In 2018, Prime Minister Narendra Modi coined the acronym SECURE in Qingdao, China which now is the very theme of its SCO chairmanship reflecting the concerns of contemporary regional security, according to sources.

SCO has been a useful platform with respect to being a forum to discuss matters on security, defence, terrorism, drug trade, etc, and to provide democratic solutions to restore peace and economic security in conflict-stricken regions.

The conception of SCO, was a reaction to the growing American dominance in Central Asian politics after the end of the Cold War, according to information.Moscow and Beijing largely wanted to preserve the economic and geopolitical opportunities in Central Asia and created SCO as an anti-thesis of NATO in a post-Soviet global order.

As the world grapples with the impact of climate change, India’s presidency offers an opportunity to advocate for environmentally sustainable policies within the SCO framework. India’s SCO presidency also provides an avenue to expand regional economic cooperation. Strengthening trade and investment linkages, reducing trade barriers, and promoting connectivity initiatives such as the International North-South Transport Corridor and the Chabahar Port can unlock the vast economic potential of the region. Moreover, leveraging the SCO’s expertise in counter-terrorism, cybersecurity, and disaster management can further enhance regional cooperation and stability.

India’s assumption of the SCO presidency comes at a crucial juncture for the organization and the wider Eurasian region. Navigating the geostrategic challenges ahead, including the situation in Afghanistan, India-China relations, energy security, climate change, and economic cooperation, will require astute diplomacy and concerted efforts. By fostering dialogue, building trust, and pursuing inclusive policies, India has the opportunity to strengthen regional stability and contribute to the collective progress of the SCO member states and the wider international community.

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