Kabar Khabaron Ki Desk, 03 March

Ira Singh

India may be battling many challenges of it’s own and that definitely includes an unequal trade relationship that it shares with China, but that’s not stopping it from seeking a greater global role.

This year is going to be key one for India due to sheer number of diplomatic events that it is hosting. Among them, the G20 Summit scheduled to be held in September 2023 is going to be a major opportunity for India to secure its credentials as a rising power of consequence.

The Group of Twenty (G20) is the premier forum for international cooperation on the most important aspects of the international economic and  financial agenda.It brings together the world’s major advanced and emerging economies. The G20 countries together represent around 90 percent of global GDP, 80 percent of global trade and  two thirds of the world’s population. It works to address major issues relating to policy coordination between its members in order to achieve global economic stability, sustainable growth, promote financial regulations that reduce risks, prevent future financial crises and create a new international financial architecture.

War And Peace both Challenge Indian G20 Presidensy

The G20 was created in response to both the financial crises that arose in a number of emerging economies in the 1990’s and to a growing recognition that some of these countries were not adequately represented in global economic discussion and governance.India’s participation in the G20 stems from the realisation that as a major developing economy India has a vital stake in the stability of the international economic and financial system. India wants its G20 presidency this year to focus on issues such as alleviating poverty, climate finance etc., but the Ukraine war and it’s effects are set to dominate the agenda.

Dawn Welcomes the emergence of new Global Leader

India has longstanding ties to Russia.India has resisted pressure and continued with it’s strategy  of not directly criticizing Russia , which is India’s largest supplier of arms. It has regularly abstained from voting on UN resolutions condemning the war in Ukraine, including a vote held at the UN General Assembly, as reported. It has also defended its decision to increase it’s oil imports from Russia, saying it has to look after the needs of its population., according to the reports.

The deepening ties between India and the USA are the result of increased cooperation between them in several future oriented sectors including critical and emerging technologies, advanced computing, artificial intelligence etc.,

India’s G20 presidency would be a watershed moment in India’s history as it seeks to play an important role by finding pragmatic global solutions for the well-being of all and in doing so manifest the true spirit of “Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam” or “the World is One Family”..

I rub my hands in anticipation at what the Summit might bring….!

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