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India’s Middle East Strategy:Debunking Misconceptions in the US Narrative

India’s Middle East Strategy:Debunking Misconceptions in the US Narrative

Ira Singh
9 July’23

In recent years, India’s engagement with the Middle East has gained significant attention, particularly from the United States. The region’s geopolitical significance, energy resources, and security challenges have prompted various analyses of India’s strategy.However, there is a growing concern that the view from the US may sometimes present a misleading portrayal of India’s approach. This article aims to debunk misconceptions and shed light on India’s nuanced Middle East strategy, highlighting its multifaceted objectives and regional dynamics.

As India ups its play in the Middle East, expanding ties with Egypt in light of Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s recent visit to Cairo, increasing cooperation with Israel and Arab countries in the Gulf, as well as Turkey and Iran, its strategy is being closely watched in the US, traditionally a dominant player in the region.

The US shaped its influence in the Middle East on the back of the discovery of oil reserves in Saudi Arabia in the late 1930s, and later became a major supplier of arms to Arab states. More recently, China has started flexing its diplomatic muscles in the region, with President Xi Jinping unveiling his ambitious Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) in 2013. Russia, too, has re-asserted its interest in the hydrocarbon-rich region under President Vladimir Putin’s rule, according to sources.

Though India shares historical ties with the Middle East – which it prefers to refer to as West Asia, as it considers the former term to be Eurocentric – New Delhi has long looked at the region merely from a remittance-driven economic perspective.

The US Perspective:
What’s the view from the US?, that has now changed replied Cook in an interview with national media.Citing India’s growing ties with major countries in the region, including Israel, Saudi Arabia, and the UAE, he singled out New Delhi as an alternative partner against the backdrop of the diminishing US role.

“The US may no longer be the undisputed big dog in the region, but as long as India expands its presence in the Middle East, neither Russia nor China can assume that role,” he said.

He recalled his visit to India a decade ago, noting that New Delhi’s global ambitions have since undergone a major makeover.“While US officials and analysts are obsessed with every diplomatic move Beijing makes and eye Chinese investment in the Middle East with suspicion, Washington is overlooking one of the most interesting geopolitical developments in the region in years: the emergence of India as a major player in the Middle East,” Cook wrote.

From the US perspective, India’s cooperative diplomacy in the Middle East is often seen as a pragmatic and calculated approach that aligns with its national interests.The United States acknowledges India’s growing influence in the region and values India as a strategic partner in countering common challenges such as terrorism, ensuring maritime security, and promoting stability. While there may be occasional differences in specific policy priorities, overall, the US recognizes the benefits of India’s cooperative engagement in the Middle East.

In one of his arguments, the US scholar pointed out that Saudi Arabia and the UAE, both of which are traditionally close to India’s hostile neighbor Pakistan, are looking to expand their ties with New Delhi. Cook’s analysis stems from the fact that India attracts both Riyadh and Abu Dhabi as one of the largest and in many areas still untapped consumer markets in the world. The two biggest regional economies are also looking to weed out Islamist extremism, which is sullying their reputation on the global stage.

Cook acknowledged the “complicated” nature of India-Israel relations, noting that New Delhi remains steadfast in its support for the Palestinians and has friendly ties with Iran, which has been an important source for oil, while Indian elites tend to see Israel “through the prism of their country’s own colonial experience.”

What Indian foreign policy experts think?

Some Indian scholars and former diplomats feel Cook’s analysis is largely based on perceptions rather than hard facts.

While global powers like Washington and Beijing engage in competitive strategies in the Middle East, Indian experts argue that New Delhi has adopted a distinct approach focused on “cooperative diplomacy.” In contrast to zero-sum games, India’s strategy prioritizes collaboration, partnerships, and mutual benefits.

Countering Extremism and Promoting Stability:Indian experts highlight India’s commitment to countering extremism and promoting stability in the Middle East. India’s own experience with terrorism has strengthened its resolve to collaborate with regional partners in addressing common security challenges. Through intelligence sharing, joint exercises, and capacity building, India contributes to counterterrorism efforts while advocating for inclusive governance and addressing the root causes of radicalization.

Indian foreign policy experts provide insights into India’s perspective on its cooperative diplomacy in the Middle East. They argue that India’s approach is driven by the principles of strategic autonomy, non-alignment, and building mutually beneficial partnerships. Indian experts emphasize the importance of maintaining friendly relations with all countries in the region, irrespective of geopolitical rivalries, to safeguard national interests and contribute to regional stability.

According to Indian experts, India’s cooperative diplomacy focuses on multilateral engagement through active participation in regional organizations. They stress that India’s involvement in platforms such as the Arab League, Gulf Cooperation Council, and Organization of Islamic Cooperation allows for dialogue, collaboration, and the promotion of shared goals, including economic development, security cooperation, and cultural exchanges.

One common misconception is that India’s Middle East strategy revolves solely around countering China’s influence or ensuring energy security. While these factors are important, they do not fully capture the breadth and depth of India’s engagements. India has long-standing historical, cultural, and economic ties with the Middle East, which it seeks to cultivate and expand. Rather than being a zero-sum game, India’s approach emphasizes diversification of partnerships to maximize its interests and leverage regional dynamics, believe experts.

India’s foreign policy in the Middle East is characterized by a delicate balancing act.It seeks to maintain friendly ties with all countries in the region while carefully navigating the complex web of rivalries and conflicts. India’s non-alignment tradition continues to guide its approach, fostering strategic autonomy and avoiding entanglements in regional disputes. This nuanced stance allows India to pursue its interests in a multi-polar Middle East without aligning itself entirely with any particular power bloc.India’s growing economy and its aspirations to become a global power require secure access to energy resources and markets. The Middle East, with its vast hydrocarbon reserves and expanding consumer base, presents a crucial economic partner for India. Besides energy cooperation, India also seeks to enhance bilateral trade, investment, and technology partnerships with Middle Eastern countries. Initiatives such as the India-Gulf Cooperation Council Free Trade Agreement and the Make in India campaign facilitate economic collaboration and generate mutual benefits.

India’s Middle East strategy is a complex and multifaceted endeavor that goes beyond the narrow lens of countering China or securing energy resources. While the US narrative often highlights specific aspects, it is essential to recognize the broader goals and regional dynamics that shape India’s approach. India’s diversification of partnerships, balancing act in regional rivalries, economic cooperation, security collaborations, and soft power diplomacy all contribute to a nuanced strategy that serves its national interests while maintaining stability in the Middle East.

Ira Singh

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