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PM Modi addresses SCO Summit 2023

PM Modi addresses SCO Summit 2023

Ira Singh
4 July’23

The highly anticipated 2023 SCO Summit commenced today,with leaders and representatives from around the world gathered virtually in New Delhi,at the 23rd Summit of the SCO Council of Heads of State, presided by PM Narendra Modi.The summit organized by India, shines a spotlight on the country’s strategic balancing act on the global stage, as it seeks to strengthen alliances, foster regional cooperation, and address pressing global challenges.This year, the theme of the summit SCO- SECURE, which is derived from the acronym coined by PM Modi at the 2018 SCO Qingdao Summit. It stands for S: Security, E:Economic development, C:Connectivity,U:Unity, R: Respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity, E: Environmental protection.

During his opening remarks, Prime Minister Narendra Modi emphasised on the need to work together against terrorism for regional and global peace. He also talked about India’s AI-based language platform Bhashini.At the SCO Summit, PM Narendra Modi says, “We would be delighted to share India’s AI-based language platform Bhashini with everyone to remove language barriers within SCO. It can become an example of digital technology and inclusive growth. SCO can become a significant voice for reforms within the UN and other global institutions, said PM Modi.

PM Modi said start-ups and innovation, traditional medicine, youth empowerment, and shared Buddhist heritage have been the five pillars of SCO.He added that in transportation: decarbonisation, digital infrastructure, India wants to make people to people connection through SCO, for the first time SCO Millet Food Festival, Film Festival, International Conference on shared Buddhist Heritage was held, according to sources.PM Modi said that food fuel crisis are reality of all the countries around the world. He added that the fertilizer crises is a big challenge to every nation, we have to ask ourselves that whether or not we capable of facing new challenges.

PM Modi congratulated Iran on becoming full member of SCO”I congratulate Iran for being a new member of SCO,” said PM Modi.

Speaking on terrorism,PM Modi slammed Pakistan, saying that “some countries shield terrorists”.

He also condemned cross- border terrorism and added that it must be fought together.

“We all need to cooperate and find ways to counter terror financing, SCO members need to take more concrete steps on radicalisation,” he added.

PM Modi highlights situation in Afghanistan,PM Modi urged the leaders to work on the situation in Afghanistan while speaking about security and terror threat.PM Modi said, “The situation in Afghanistan has had a direct impact on the security of all of us (countries).India’s concerns and expectations regarding Afghanistan are the same as most of the SCO Member countries. We have to make united efforts for the welfare of the people of Afghanistan.. It is important that the land of Afghanistan is not used to spread unrest in neighbouring nations or promote extremist ideologies.”

PM Modi’s strong message to China”It is important to respect territorial integrity,” said PM Modi in an apparant reference to China and the ongoing border tensions between New Delhi and Beijing, according to sources.

Russian President Vladimir Putin said, “The Russian people are consolidated as never before.” “Russian political circles and the whole of society clearly demonstrated their unity and elevated sense of responsibility for the fate of the Fatherland when they responded as a united front against an attempted armed mutiny.”

Putin said that Russia recognises principles of mutual support and respect. He said that “Russia supports New Delhi declaration which gives consolidated approach on international issues”.

He added Russia counters all the sanctions and will continue to strengthen ties with SCO countries. He said that “we must continue to coordinate our efforts on developing payment infrastructure” as Russia stands for cooperation in banking and investment.

Chinese leader Xi Jinping pledged to work with SCO member states to “oppose protectionism”, according to sources.

Xi said China would “persist in the correct direction of economic globalisation, oppose protectionism, unilateral sanctions and extension of national security concepts”, according to media reports.

PM Modi reiterates importance of unity among SCO members”We do not see the SCO as an extended neighbourhood, but rather as an extended family. Security, economic development, connectivity, unity,respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity,and environmental protection are the pillars of our vision for SCO.” emphasised PM Modi.

Ira Singh

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